From Art History to Visual Culture. Studying the Visual after the Cultural Turn (Reader 2)
- Kulcsszavak: kurátori irodalom, elmélet, posztkolonializmus, Kelet-KözépEurópa vizuális kultúra Szerzők: James Herbert, Keith Moxey, W.J.T. Mitchell, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Jacques Derrida, Walter Benjamin, Michel Foucault, Robert Sobieszek, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Jeffrey Scone, Deeplika Bahri, Edward W. Said, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Homi K. Bhabha, Jessica Dubow, Slander L. Gilman, James D. Herbert, Timothy Mitchell, Annie E. Coombres, Homi K. Bhabha, Anthony Kwame, Appiah, Mignolo Walter, Maria Todorova, Lary Wolf, Iver B. Neuman, Alexander Kiossev, Csepeli György, Örkény Antal, le, Kim Lane.
- Visual culture / Visual studies (James Herbert) Nostalgia for the Real: The troubled relation of art history to visual studies (Keith Moxey) Interdisciplinarity and Visual Culture (W.J.T. Mitchel) Introduction: What is visual culture? (Nicholas Mirzoeff) Injunctions of Marx (Jacques Derrida) ”K”& ”L” (Walter Benjamin) Panopticism (Michel Foucault) Introduction: Photography and
the expressive face (Robert Sobieszek) The Spirit of Judaism (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel) Introduction. In Haunted Media: Electronic presence from telegraphy to television. (Jeffrey Scone) Introduction to Postcolonial Studies (Deeplika Bahri) Introduction. In Orientalism (Edward W. Said) Postcoloniality and the artifice of history: Who speaks of ”Indian” pasts? (Dipesh Chakrabarty) Of mimicry and man: The ambivalence of colonial discourse (Homi K. Bhabha) ”From the view on the world to a point of view in it”: Rethinking sight, space, and the colonial subject” (Jessica Dubow) Black bodies, white bodies: Toward an iconography of female sexuality in late-nineteenth century of art, medicine and literature. (Slander L. Gilman) Passing between art history and postcolonial theory (James D. Herbert) Orientalism and the exhibitionary order (Timothy Mitchell) Inventing the ”postcolonial”: Hybridity and constituency in contemporary curating. (Annie E. Coombres) Double visions (Homi K. Bhabha) Is the post- in the postmodernism the post- in postcolonial? (Anthony Kwame, Appiah) Occidentalism, (post)Coloniality, and (Post)subalterr Rationality (Mignolo Walter) Introduction. The Balkans & The Balkans: Realia Qu’est-ce qu’il y a de hors-texte? (Maria Todorova) Introduction. In Inventing Eastern Europe: The map of civilization and the mind of the Enlightenment. (Lary Wolf) Making regions: Central Europe (Iver B. Neuman) Notes ont he self-colonisin cultures (Alexander Kiossev) Acquid Immune Deficiency Syndrome in Social Sciences in Eastern Europe (Csepeli György, Örkény Antal, Sheppele, Kim Lane)