2015. dec. 10. | 19:00 |
10th-13rd December 2015.
The 2nd year BA Students of the Department of Art Theory and Curatorial Studies at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts cordially invite you to the exhibition opening of INSIGHT
Our exhibition focuses on questions that students of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts have been dealing with. Our aim is to present themes which have been of interest to them and genres they prefer to work in – regardless of the program they study in. Examining the early stage of an artist’s career – we mainly selected students in the 3rd and 4th years – we wish to emphasize the sometimes surprising match between the themes they have chosen. These include, for instance: personal narrative, internal and external environment, and metamorphosis of the face.
In parallel, we are also conducting research concerning the galleries and exhibition venues in Budapest that are open to working with emerging artists. The result of this research is a continuously expandable database, which we hope could serve as a useful resource for university students.
Opened by: Dr. habil, DLA Kőnig Frigyes egyetemi tanár, a Művészeti Anatómia, Rajzi és Geometria Tanszék vezetője
Participants: Agafina Anna, Becskei Andor, Benyovszky Zsuzsanna, Gutema Dávid, Kazsik Marcell, Kármán Dániel, Kovács Réka, Magyari Zsuzsa, Mikola Tamás, Mikulán Dávid, Péter Fanni, Tóth Enikő, Végvári Gergely
A Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem hallgatói.
Curator students: Fincziczki Katalin, Honti Eszter, Kövesdi Henriett, Maj Ajna, Nagy Zsóka, Nemes Nóra, Sárdi Orsolya, Tóth Bernadett, Török Anita, Turai Kincső
Project Supervisor: Lázár Eszter
Photos: Bori Máté