2012. Sep. 27 – Oct. 5 |
Harsányi Réka: Pengeélen (On the razor blade)
megnyitó: 2012. szeptember 27. 19 órától
vernissage: 27. September 2012. 19.00
opening speech by Dr. habil, DLA Szegedy-Maszák Zoltán, leader of the Doctoral School at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts
open until 5th October
Réka Harsányi, student at the Doctoral School of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, explores the use of biosensors and connects her experiences with her videoworks. At the exhibition, she presents an interactive installation, which operates due to a brainsensor, lenticular pictures, a video installation titled D.201106.V, already exhibited at the Paksi Képtár (Gallery of Paks), and also a
collection of older works.
PDF összefoglaló a kiallításrólHarsányi Réka: Pengeélen (On the razor blade)
megnyitó: 2012. szeptember 27. 19 órától
vernissage: 27. September 2012. 19.00
opening speech by Dr. habil, DLA Szegedy-Maszák Zoltán, leader of the Doctoral School at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts
open until 5th October
Réka Harsányi, student at the Doctoral School of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, explores the use of biosensors and connects her experiences with her videoworks. At the exhibition, she presents an interactive installation, which operates due to a brainsensor, lenticular pictures, a video installation titled D.201106.V, already exhibited at the Paksi Képtár (Gallery of Paks), and also a collection of older works.